
Magdalena Socha, Finance & Accounting Process Consultant

at METRO Since May 2012 – responsible for Accounts Receivable processes.

Magda, how does work at METRO look from your perspective?

What's the best thing at METRO SERVICES PL? Working with people, a well-integrated team, and the fact that MSERV employs so many foreigners.

My history at METRO SERVICES started with duties connected to sales records. Soon afterwards I went to Warsaw for three weeks of Polish process migration. Then I spent the next two months in Warsaw, during which I was a translator for our colleagues from MSERV Pune. It was a very interesting experience as I had the chance to see process migration from a teacher's perspective.

Later I was involved in a project related to process standardisation between various companies served by our Centre.

After a year I had the opportunity to go to Amsterdam for two months, to take part in Dutch process migration connected with accounts receivable. The project turned out to be quite a challenge – it was a big migration and in practice it turned out that migration activity was greater than planned at the start. I felt like I was in a bit over my head, but I managed it. This trip gave me self-confidence and taught me to work under time pressure. After returning from Holland, one of my tasks was to pass on this knowledge to colleagues and conduct process standardisation.

And what is your current role at MSERV?

Since March 2014 I've been involved in a project bringing in a new instrument to make the service of bank processes within the Group more efficient and to standardise it. I was responsible for coordination of a pilot project to implement the instrument. This was quite a challenge, as I had to watch over the whole organisation – plans, dates, degrees of realisation as well as various stages of the project. Currently we are working on creating rules of accounting in new countries. I feel that my colleagues and superiors have faith in me – I was given an autonomous project to realise, which I conduct with a high degree of independence. What does it give me? An opportunity for learning and development, working in English with an international team and lots of satisfaction.
